Mosaic Productions’ Sully, starring Levi Payne as Sully, Peter McMillan as Max and Amy Thompson as Chelle, is on next week at Hull Truck Theatre (June 6-10, with matinees on the Thursday and Saturday).
Sully tells the story of the late great Clive Sullivan MBE, a very proud Welshman who became a son of Hull on both sides of the river.
Sully represented both Hull FC and Hull Kingston Rovers with pride, dignity and honour, scoring over 100 try’s for both clubs whilst also winning a Challenge Cup Final Winners Medal in the red and white and black and white. Sully also became the first black captain to represent his country in any sport, and go on to win the Rugby League World Cup in 1972… and all this through much adversity in his younger years.
Sully sadly passed away at the tender age of just 42 in 1985.
Clive Sullivan MBE would have been 80 years old in April 2023, he has just been inducted into the Rugby League Hall Of Fame, and “The Sully Ball” was used at the recent Rugby League World Cup in tribute to the great man.
SULLY is written by local Hull playwright Dave Windass and directed by Scott Solway.
Come and see for yourself the remarkable story of one of Hull’s most famous sons, and all he achieved, wear your black and white, wear your red and white, and see why Sully united a City, regardless of the colour of your team.
Buy your tickets here…