It started off as a meeting. Down the boozer. Is there anywhere else to have a meeting? If there is I haven’t received the memo. Me and photographer pal Jerome Whittingham discussing an upcoming project. On my way to the meeting I’d bumped into someone I know at the cash machine. “I’m just off to buy tickets for Sara Pascoe,” went the hurried conversation. “See you soon!” That was a reminder of a gig I actually intended to go to but had forgotten about, due to my sieve-like noodle brain and the seasonal affective disorder that’s had me in its grip since I stepped off a plane at East Midlands Airport 48 hours previously. The gig’d be taking place in the very boozer where our meeting was taking place. Albeit five hours later. So, we snaffled some tickets and the meeting was somewhat extended beyond its anticipated half a lager’s length. And rightly so. Twas a cracking gig; Sara is very funny, super intelligent, smart and sassy. There’s nothing not to like about a funny woman. Also on the bill and funnier than I’ve seen him before was my little cousin (eight times removed, or something) Jed Salisbury, who kept up the Hull end of things magnificently. Congrats to Martin & Mel for putting on such a great night. See you at the next one.